Peter Arockiaraj

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Developing Web Services by using Mule, CXF, and Spring


In this article we are going to develop a web service by using Spring with CXF and the Mule Enterprise Service Bus. This article provides steps (step by step) to create &  deploy web services by using Spring,CXF and mule. Please go through below to find sample web services.

Software Requirements

  1. EClipse (Java IDE)- Optional
  2. Mule ESB (Download from
  3. CXF Jars (Required for Compilation-Download from

The Code

In this example, we are going to create a Student service, where students can register for particular course. In this example, we are going to use a code-first approach for this service using JAX-WS annotations.

First, we will need to create following classes and interface

  1. Our User-Defined Exception
  2. The interface for our service
  3. The implementation class for our service
  4. Our Student bean

Step 1: Create new java project in EClipse

Step 2: Create the Exception class for our service (

package com.peter.cxf.sample;

public class NotEnoughValueException extends Exception {

String detail;

public NotEnoughValueException (String message, String detail) {

super (message);

this.detail = detail;


public String getDetail () {

return detail;



Step 3: Create the interface for our service (

package com.peter.cxf.sample;

import javax.jws.WebParam;

import javax.jws.WebResult;

import javax.jws.WebService;


public interface StudentService {

@WebResult(name = “registrationstatus”)

public String registerStudent(@WebParam(name = “student”) Student stu)

throws NotEnoughValueException;


Step 4: Create the implementation class for our service (

package com.peter.cxf.sample;

import javax.jws.WebService;

@WebService(endpointInterface = “com.peter.cxf.sample.StudentService”, serviceName = “StudentService”)

public class StudentServiceImpl {



* @param stu

* @return

* @throws NotEnoughValueException


public String registerStudent(Student stu) throws NotEnoughValueException {

if (validate(stu)) {

return “Hi ” + stu.getFirstName() + ” ” + stu.getLastName()

+ ” Your registertion is accepted. You Can join the course”;

} else {

throw new NotEnoughValueException(“Input values are not enough”,

“Please check you data”);



private boolean validate(Student stu) {

if ((stu.getFirstName() != null || stu.getFirstName().trim().equals(“”))

&& (stu.getLastName() != null || stu.getLastName().trim()


&& (stu.getPhoneNumber() != null || stu.getPhoneNumber().trim()


return true;


return false;




To run our service under Mule, we need to create following configuration files:

  1. Spring configuration file
  2. Mule configuration file

Step 5: Create the Spring Configuration file in project root folder (studentContext.xml)

<?xml version=“1.0” encoding=“UTF-8”?>

<beans xmlns=;



<bean id=“studentService” class=“com.peter.cxf.sample.StudentServiceImpl”




Step 6: Create the Mule Configuration file in project root folder (studentservice-config.xml)

<?xml version=“1.0” encoding=“UTF-8”?>

<mule xmlns=;

xmlns:xsi=; xmlns:spring=;

xmlns:soap=; xmlns:cxf=;



<spring:import resource=“studentContext.xml” />


<model name=“services”>

<service name=“StudentService”>



address=http://localhost:65082/services/StudentService&#8221; />



<spring-object bean=“studentService” />





Build and Deployment

Step 7: Create the folder ‘ant’ inside the project root folder

Step 8: Create the build.xml file inside ant folder.

<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?>

<project name=”ws” basedir=”../” default=”archive”>

<target name=”archive”>

<jar destfile=”cxfstudentservices.jar”>

<fileset dir=”${basedir}\bin”>

<include name=”**/*.class” />


<fileset dir=”${basedir}”>

<include name=”**/*.xml” />

<exclude name=”**/*build*” />





Step 9: run Ant build

Step 10: Copy cxfstudentservices.jar file from project root folder and copy it in MULE_HOME/lib/user folder.

Starting the service

To start the service in mule you have run following command in command prompt.

In Windows: MULE_HOME/bin/mule.bat -config <path-to-config-file>\studentservice-config.xml

For Example:

c:\mule-standalone-2.2.1\bin\mule.bat -config D:\Java Code\CXFMuleStudentService\studentservice-config.xml

Please ensure that your service is up and running by opening following url in your web browser.


Testing the service

To test your service, please check my previous posts, to create client program for web services.

November 5, 2009 - Posted by | Web Services


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